Build your own mixin
A mixin is a function that receives a class (collection, model, or anything else) and returns the enhanced class. It's very similar to the higher-order components (HOC) in React.
Model AND Collection
import {
} from 'datx';
import { decorateCollection } from './decorateCollection';
import { decorateModel } from './decorateModel';
export function myAwesome<T extends PureModel>(
Base: IModelConstructor<T>,
): IModelConstructor<T & IModelWithMixin>;
export function myAwesome<T extends PureCollection>(
Base: ICollectionConstructor<T>,
): ICollectionConstructor<T & ICollectionWithMixin>;
export function myAwesome<T extends PureModel | PureCollection>(
Base: IModelConstructor<T> | ICollectionConstructor<T>,
) {
if (isModel(Base)) {
return decorateModel(Base as typeof PureModel);
} else if (isCollection(Base)) {
return decorateCollection(Base as typeof PureCollection);
throw new Error('The instance needs to be a model or a collection');
Model only (or collection only)
import { IModelConstructor, isModel, PureModel } from 'datx';
export function myAwesome<T extends PureModel>(Base: IModelConstructor<T>) {
const BaseClass = Base as typeof PureModel;
if (!isModel(Base)) {
throw new Error('Needs to be a model');
class MyDecoratedModel extends BaseClass implements IModelWithMixin<T> {
public awesome: boolean = true;
return MyDecoratedModel as IModelConstructor<IModelWithMixin<T> & T>;
Note: The important things to note here (TypeScript specific) is to define multiple interfaces for the decorator function if needed, and to define the IModelWithMixin
and ICollectionWithMixin
intrefaces (of course, the naming is not important).
Enhancing a model
export function decorateModel(BaseClass: typeof PureModel) {
class MyDecoratedModel extends BaseClass {
public awesome: boolean = true;
return MyDecoratedModel as typeof PureModel;
Applying a mixin
import { Model } from 'datx';
import myAwesomeMixin from 'my-awesome-mixin';
class Person extends myAwesomeMixin(Model) {
/* ... */
datx helpers
isCollection(obj: typeof PureCollection): true;
isCollection(obj: any): false;
Check if the given value is an instance of the datx collection.
isModel(obj: typeof PureModel): true;
isModel(obj: any): false;
Check if the given value is an instance of the datx model.
getModelMetaKey(model: PureModel, key: string): any;
Get a meta data of the model.
setModelMetaKey(model: PureModel, key: string, value: any): any;
Set a meta data of the model.
Note: If you need to save any data about a model, please prefix your keys in order to avoid collisions with other mixins.
The datx-utils
plugin contains some helper methods that could be useful for mixin development:
mapItems<T, U>(data: Array<T>, fn: (item: T) => U): Array<U>;
mapItems<T, U>(data: T, fn: (item: T) => U): U|null;
Iterates trough an array or a single item and call the given function for every item.
flatten<T>(data: Array<Array<T>>): Array<T>;
Flatted a 2-dimensional array into a 1-dimensional array.
uniq<T>(data: Array<T>): Array<T>;
Get only unique items in an array.
error(...args): void;
Log an error to the console.
warn(...args): void;
Log a warning to the console, but not in production mode.
deprecated(...args): void;
Log a deprecation warning to the console, but not in production mode.
info(...args): void;
Log an info message to the console, but not in production mode.